

KISHO PREMIUM PLUS - KIT Premium Multilayer Ceramic Coatings (Si-701 + Si-901 + Top coating) The multi-layer application process offers a strong and long-lasting protection to the vehicle body and in the end the surfaces remain with a clarity and depth of color that is difficult to match. The process begins with the application of Si-701 as a base coat; it acts as a first microscopic barrier of nanoparticles and provides a solid protection that prevents any damage caused by UV rays or pollutants. The process continues with Si-901 which helps to form a flexible and durable coating with exceptional hydrophobic properties and which offers the surfaces resistance to damage without risk of cracking. This crystalline glass coating is extremely glossy and water resistant, the result being a very easy cleaning and maintenance. The last step in the application process is the final ceramic layer ~ Premium Top Coating which adds protection to the surfaces against dirt and damage, offers a strong and efficient effect of removing water from the surfaces thus treated but also a finish very glossy, like glass. #KISHO Coating 100% made in Japan ———————— Global Sales Manager: Ivy_Cui Company name: KISHO CORPORATION CO., LTD Phone / WhatsApp: +86-15524895354 Email / Facebook: ivycuikisho@gmail.com

