
KISHO Si-701+Si-901 classic combination

KISHO Si-701+Si-901 classic combination If choose to use two products together, we recommend 701+901. Because this combination is a more economical and appropriate combination with the highest cost performance, 701, as the bottom product, has excellent adhesion. As the top layer product, 901 has excellent brightness, hydrophobic effect, durability, adhesion, etc. #KISHO Coating 100% made in Japan ——————— Global Sales Manager: Ivy_Cui Company name: KISHO CORPORATION CO., LTD Phone/Whatsapp Business/Wechat:+86-15524895354 WhatsApp:+44-7759626195 Email/Facebook:ivycuikisho@gmail.com Many more information of our ceramic coating, you can be found at the link below ⬇️ website: www.kisho-coating.com

